MATEC VMC I VMC B - Vertical Machining Centre

Performance class HSK63 I HSK100
When designing the compact 3-axis machining centres,
MATEC did not make any compromises regarding quality
and precision. This is why machine base, column and
table have been made out of high-quality grey cast.
The machine structure has been calculated by means
of Finite Elements Analysis (FEA). The basis consists
of a box-frame structure which has been reinforced by
precisely calculated rib profi les, thus absorbing vibrations
to a maximum. At the same time, the box-frame
and rib structures provide for a maximum in rigidity.
In all of its 3 axes, the machine is equipped with
heavy-duty precision guides; X-, Y- and Z-axis with
roller linear guides.
Tool change system with disc magazine and dual gripper.
To change the tool, which is lying horizontally in the
disc magazine, it is being brought into vertical change
position. At the same time, the dual gripper picks the
new tool as well as the one sitting in the spindle and
changes the tools by making a 180° turn.
The vertical Z-axis is mounted onto the column and,
for some machine variants, equipped with a hydraulic
counterbalance system.
The built-in high-power machine spindle in performance
class HSK63 I SK40 with 8,000 1/min is being equipped
with 6 bearings and guarantees a sound cutting
performance in almost every material and this already
for the basic model. The ball bearings are lifetime