Workpiece automation | Pallet automation | Complete machining from the bar

Kinds of automation

Pallet automation
As a matter of principle, all modular MATEC centres
can be equipped with a pallet changer.
Design and type depending on workpiece dimensions
and weight or on the selected production machine.
Pallet sizes from 150 x 150 mm with the MATEC 30HV
to 4,000 x 3,000 mm with the gantry centre MATEC 40PP.

Workpiece automation
High-flexibility automation solutions.
6-axis robots with automatic gripper change open up
entirely new process sequences for automated workpiece
handling. Simple realisation of auxiliary and additional
Design based on workpiece size and weight as well as
storage capacity.

Multi-flexible solutions
Automation cell for pallet handling, workpiece handling
and tool management.
Design based on customer requirements.

Complete machining from the bar
6-sided machining of complex workpieces.
Modular expansion up to a mill turn centre with further
additional functions such as high-capacity sawing unit,
transfer station, additional CNC axes, unloading
automation and many other features.
Bar capacity up to Ø 150 mm.

Feel free to contact us!

Contact us at:
+49 7024 98385 0

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