MATEC GPC - Gantry Centre

Performance class HSK100
Vertical gantry machining centre with fixed gantry and
moving machine table as X-axis. Y- and Z-axis are built
on the gantry girder. All base structures of the machine
consist of high-quality heat treated cast iron. The
machine structure having been calculated by means
of Finite Elements Analysis (FEA) is perfectly ribbed
and guarantees extreme rigidity.
The gantry girder and the two vertical columns are
made out of one piece (Y = 1,600 mm). The machine
is equipped with precise and high-capacity linear guides
in all three axes.
The axes are driven by ball srews.
All moving parts of the machine are lubricated by an
automatic central lubrication system.
The tool magazine and tool changer are mounted in
parallel in the X-axis and are detached in the work area.
Tools are being changed in a fixed X-position in the topmost
Z-axis position.
Tool change system with chain magazine and dual
gripper. To change the tool which is lying horizontally
in the chain magazine it is being brought into vertical
position. At the same time, the dual gripper picks the
new tool as well as the one sitting in the spindle and
changes the tools by making a 180° turn.
High cutting performances in almost every material can
be achieved by means of the built-in high-power spindle
with 2-speed gearbox.
The ball bearings are lifetime grease-lubricated.
Additional equipment such as full work area enclosure
with roof, telescopic covers in all axes, coolant unit
with rinsing nozzles and bed rinsing as well as a chip
removal, perfectly adapted to the performance class,
are completing the machine.
Due to the numerous options, the machine can perfectly
be customized.