30SHV | 30S | 30SD | 30LD SERIES

30SHV | 30S | 30SD | 30LD SERIES Moving-column centres with swivel table and long bed

Swivel head | Single spindle | Double spindle

The production principle of the
MATEC 30SHV is based on a 0-180° pendulum swivel
table with two work areas. The work area is changed
by a 180° rotation of the swivel table.

A lifting door with safety glass separates the machining
areas. This design enables loading and unloading to take
place during machining while the machine is producing
in the other machine area. Non-productive time is thus
reduced to a minimum.

Accessibility and visual control for the machine operator
are optimal. The same applies to automated loading
and unloading.

The modular design of the basic machine and the swivel
table from the modular system provides the perfect
individual solution.

Feel free to contact us!

Contact us at:
+49 7024 98385 225

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